- Daily grain and livestock markets
Corn Futures:
Soy Bean Futures:
Wheat Futures:
Elevator Grain Reports By State:
If you are looking for a job, here are some goodplaces to start. You will find information regarding professional-level job opportunities in the field of agriculture (including research), as well as in related areas such as biotechnology and chemistry.
Farming doesn't have to be a lonely business. Being out in the boonies won't keep you isolated if you can reach this great load of agricultural resources. This is just about all the information you will need if you are interested in any aspects of agriculture:
These days, people think you have to go skydiving, bungee jumping, ice climbing or fire walking to get a thrill. How wrong can they be? On the Net, you can get a rush any time you want. Check out the agricultural magazines on the Net and you will see what we mean. There are several different agriculture magazines for your perusal. You can read articles from journals like Hogs Today, Beef Today, Dairy Today, Farm Journal, Top Producer and Progreesive Farmer. If you don't want to just read, you can hang with other agricultural thrill-seekers in chat rooms.
- Agriculture Network Information Center
In a time ofagricultural need, it's always good to know you can find a specialist. The agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) provides access to experts in various fields of agriculture as well as links to agricultural databases. Find out about conferences, meetings and seminars in your area. If you are going to be traveling, call ahead and arrange to take an agricultural expert to lunch.
If you are out in the field all day, you don't have to feel entirely isolated and behind the times. When you turn off the tractor and have a little lunch, just fire up the laptop and check your email. If you are on the agnews mailing list, you can get all sorts of agricultural news releases. Or you can get your news hot off the Web. Keep informed, no matter where in the world you are.
- Agriculture Talk and General Discussion
It has been a long time since farmers were isolated tillers of the soil, living alone and working from dawn to dusk with little contact with the outside world. Today's modern farmer is as likely to have an Internet connection as a tractor. If you are a farmer or have an interest in agriculture, join the discussion, and stay in touch with your neighbors all over he world.
Agripedia is a well-designed encyclopedia of agriculture maintained by the University of Kentucky's College of Agriculture. The site is oriented toward learning, so if you are an agriculture student, you will find the resources particularly useful. The reference material is comprehensive, including many well-organized links to resources around the Net. If you have any interest at all in agriculture, you will want to know about this site.